Wednesday, February 3, 2010

E post que se arrepintió de publicar Oscar González Loyo

Despues de la revolcada que le puso Jorge Cavazos (Caballo negro) a OGL, me imagino que este último muy enojado escribió un post en su blog, mismo que fue retirado de inmediato, pero curiosamente logre recuperar el principio:

entrada de Oscar González Loyo en EMELKIN - Hace 2 días
Me doy, para qué gastar saliva, y defender algo que para la mayoría es indefendible, creo que estamos ya destinados a desaparecer con las nuevas calidades y avaladas por los nuevos líderes de opinión. Por...

Y aUNQUE SIGUIÓ EL DESMÁN EN EL PROGRAMA DE RADIO, pues ya no lo pude oir, (si alguien lo grabó, rólenlo ó pónganlo donde todos podamos oirlo)

Realmente es una krónica de una muerte anunciada

Aquí les dejo el link de donde se desencadenó todo:

Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm Back Baby!!!!!!

Hey guys Vincent here, just to let you know that at last i can continue updating Alex's blog. starting with "De Veritas" so stick around and tell your friends, because Vincent's back. Yeah!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

4X4 The Battle of the 4 Elements, by Jose bB.

In the Comictlan 2009 in Ags. there was another 4X4, there was a lot of Companionship and it helped that all of us were at the same table, a lot of people were curious and others were asking when the next was gonna be to participate! this last one is really interesting: this proportion was really attracting the general public, we'll see when can we make another one happen, in the meantime here are some more of the work that took place there, lets begin!!!

Jose B. Vigil Andrade, 27 years old, from Monterrey Nvo. Leon, this is author of this only page... but with reason: he hurt his hand! even though he still did it, with good lines, his girlfriend color the page, it was a great effort, lets keep going!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Technical Difficulties

I would like to let people that visit and enjoys this blog to know that i got really sick (not that any of you guys care but anyways...) and then i start having a lot of problems with my computer plus I'll be with out internet for a while ( a few months) so I apologize to whoever reads this blog for not updating it lately. But i can assure you that I'll be working on it as soon as i can thanks for your understanding. I would like to remind you that you can still enjoy this blog in Spanish just by clicking "Spanish Version" to the right of this blog. Thanks "Vincent"....

Monday, March 9, 2009

4X4 by DANETO topic: "Vampires"

The only one that we were missing! DANETO, he did the 4X4 on line, with honesty he said he finished in 5 hrs. 15 minutes, really hard worker, fellow artist of the "Difunto Insipido"

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Photo-Coverage Comictlan 2009

This Joker was awesome! He definitely deserved the first place (you should have hear him) The concert was great too! More details in the next photo-Coverage.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

4X4 at the Comictlan, Aguascalientes

Well here are the first pictures of the 4X4 from this last weekend, it was really exhausting, on Saturday we didn't stop drawing, good vibe, no one was able to stop us, the truth is that when i did my pages i thought: "what a disaster is not looking any good", but when i saw the result i really liked it, nevertheless, there is a lot to do, on the next week we'll publish the work done at this exercise.